Billings, MT

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Latest reviews from Billings

- 10/7/2022 12:51:13 PM
Quote These guys exceeded my expectations, and I have high standards when it comes to home improvement. smooth and lovely finish. My sister received a very fair price from them after their prompt response. ... read more
- 8/22/2022 7:11:03 PM
Quote The whole process from my mother's requesting quotes to getting work done was smooth, they were very responsive. I will definitely use them very soon. read more
- 7/22/2022 8:11:49 AM
Quote These guys was absolutely great and very prompt! Extremely professional and friendly! We will definitely be recommending you guys to everyone!! read more
- 4/28/2022 8:52:23 AM
Quote These guys were great! Showed up on time, asked good questions, were willing to take pretty much anything that needed to go - even if outside what we had originally agreed to. Now that we've organized... read more
- 11/12/2021 12:26:34 PM
Quote I have used Charles in a range of services: installing pocket doors (including finish work and painting), sheetrock repair, weatherstripping, patios, light fixtures, more. Very competitive rates. This... read more


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