tina Williams - Profile

tina Williams
I have learned the hard way. This woman may have all the ediqette and seems classy but she is a sheer fraud and thief. Zero conscience or morals regarding family heirloom tradition. I strongly suggest that if you are taking anything valuable to this woman. First off get to know the latest lazer equiptment tech so you can pay a closer attention as she glides around to all her different work stations behind a locked door. ( you see half of the whole room) feel your item directly after she hands it back. Does it freel warm? is it lifeless? Does the texture seem different, almost like rubbery? smell it! If you don't have any history in writing discribimg your gem, then I strongly suggest that you draft up your own receipt and have it notarized. !! My mistake. I was caught off guard, trusted with my mentality having solid family values and the worst is I told her that there was absolutely no paper trail that I received with the most spectackular, one of a kind, mesmerizing, Alexanderite I will be heartbroken even after i'm dead! God help that woman please. Sincerely , [email protected]
2/19/2017 11:29:14 PM Report