gary56565 - Profile

I'm 45 yrs old. I've always struggled a little with my weight. For the past ten years I've been exercising regularly. I generally eat healthy and have been able to stay in pretty good shape. For the last few years I've noticed a "double chin" that I never had( looks just like my dad's!). I had Safesculpt 6 months ago. The procedure was done under local anesthesia so I was comfortable throughout. I had no pain after the procedure. I noticed a difference in my love handles within the first month. The chin took a little longer. Dr. Salvador explained that there was a lot of skin laxity and it takes some time for the skin to tighten. I can't believe how much better I look in my cloths. My pants fit better and my collars aren't tight anymore.
7/4/2014 1:47:42 PM Report