Anonymous - Profile

This is one of the worst and humiliating organizations I HAVE DEALT WITH IN MY LIFE. The workers are supposedly Muslim but will only help you if ypu are an immigrant, of Indo Pakistani or Arab descent. It does not matter if you are Muslim (Sunni) they WILL NOT help you if you are not South Asian or Arab I was about to be evicted from my apartment during the economic collapse and after seeking what zakat I was referred to this place. The "brother" and humiliating and this was after I xeroxed and faxed appropriate documentation including court date. I was told one thing on my first call. After I faxed my documents and made subsequent calls this "brother" said "you are not a good investment." He might as well called me a worthless nigger. These people are focused on ARABS AND WHAT THEY PROJECT AS Islamic charity--only if your skin is the right color and you are of a non black origin. I ENDED UP LOSING MY APARTMENT AND AM STILL HOMELESS. They did not help me with any other bills either. The federal government should investigate them for racial discrimination.
5/22/2013 12:50:44 PM Report