Company description
We offer the 120% Guarantee. We believe that in order to provide a superior experience each and every time, we must be a step above 100% as 100% is not's why:?If you work with a mediocre real estate agency, your expectation may be only 50%. If the agent is in a better mood, they may actually deliver 65%. Then what is your opinion of the service? It’s up 15%! But, if you know our Agency is #1, what is your expectation of us? 110%! And if our team delivers only at the 100% level, what is your opinion of us? It’s down 10%! This is the challenge of being the best, and a challenge we welcome, If you are known as the best in the industry and want to stay there 100% is not enough. You need every member of the team to give 120% at all times!” #LISTWITHLESA #LEASEWITHLESA #LOOKWITHLESA #