Company description
With the wealth of information at our fingertips today it is easy to gather data about a home to aid in making an investment decision. Coming from an analytical background herself, Kristin understands the importance of looking at an investment from an objective standpoint. However, Kristin helps her clients understand not only the tangible, but also the intangible aspects of the local market, allowing them to make a fully informed investment decision. It is not just about finding her client a home, but finding them the right home. Having undertaken both renovation and new construction projects herself, Kristin’s relationships with the building and design trades can be an invaluable asset to her clients in undertaking the purchase or sale of a home. Prior to embarking on a real estate career in 2004, Kristin worked in New York City in equity research analyzing bank stocks. She has lived in Darien for the past 20 years with her husband David, raising their four children. Kristin has a BS from Boston College Carroll School of Management and a MBA from the University of Miami specializing in Finance.
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