Girlington Garage, LLC

0 reviews


2 Harbor View Road
South Burlington
VT 05482

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Company description

Quality auto care delivered with respect. A locally women owned business.

More details

Professional Who Uses Green Products Or Work Practices
Describe any green practices or products you use. - Girlington Garage, LLC is committed to meeting or exceeding the requirements of applicable environmental laws and regulations. We recognize the hazardous nature of many of the materials we work with and will seek methods to prevent pollution and to continually improve our environmental performance. We commit to doing so by: Minimizing waste of both materials and energy in our operations. Recycling or reuse of paper, metal, waste oil, and other fluids and materials. Safe handling of production materials and byproducts. Using nontoxic, less toxic or recycled alternatives whenever possible. Disposing of hazardous materials safely according to Vermont State standards and practices. Always purchasing the more environmentally sound product when a choice is reasonable. Being willing, as a company, to spend more for such products, rather than buying the cheaper, less sound products when possible. Girlington Garage, LLC will continue to develop, document, and communicate the general principles and practices of this policy to our employees and make it available to the general public.
Yes (All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves.)
Auto Services: Oil Change, Tire Service, State Inspections, Brakes And Suspensions, Full Service Automobile Repair
Payment Accepted
Traveler's Check, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
[email protected]
insured, warranties
Demeny Pollitt
Date Of Most Recent Report
On Angie's List Since
In Business Since
Web Site


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