Climate Design Air Conditioning, Inc.

0 reviews


12530 47th Way N Clearwater, FL 33762
Clearwater FL 33762
United States
Phone number:
(727) 240-3068

Accepted payments

American Express payment accepted Diner's club payment accepted Discover payment accepted Electron payment accepted Invoice payment accepted Maestro payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Paypal payment accepted Postal Order payment accepted Solo payment accepted Switch payment accepted Traveler's Check payment accepted Traveller's Cheque payment accepted Visa payment accepted

Location on map


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Company description

We create the ultimate living or working environment by creating customized solutions based on what your home or commercial building needs to run as efficiently as possible. In fact, our team services, repairs and replaces air conditioning units of all makes and models for over 14,000 clients each year in Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota counties!


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